Camera suggestions

There are so many camera options out there for digital.  I will list just a few but I will mainly talk about Slr's which is short for single lens reflex, it is a term associated with cameras and digital cameras. SLR cameras use a mirror between the lens and the film, or image sensor, to provide a focus screen. This means the image you see in the viewfinder (or LCD) will be the same as what appears on film or as your digital image.  This type of camera has interchangeable lenses.  In the SLR or DSLR (D standing for digital) category there are several sub categories such as consumer, prosumer and pro.

Another type of camera is the "point and shoot" or "compact" camera.  This is a smaller camera that has a fixed non-removeable lens with a lot of automatic options.

I am a Nikon user.  I had the system before digital so it made sense to keep using Nikon for digital.  There are many of my film lenses that work for my digital system today.  I can even use the old manual focus lenses on my system.

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